Rabbi # jno 1:38,49 3:2,26 6:25 20:16  

Rabbi # jno 1:49 3:2,26 6:25 mat 23:7,8  

Rabbi # jno 1:38  

Rabbi # jno 3:26 1:38 20:16  

Rabbi # jno 1:38,39  

Rabboni # jno 20:28 1:38,49 3:2 6:25 11:28 13:13 mat 23:8-10  

Raca. that is, vain fellow # 2sa 6:20 ja 2:20  

Rachab the harlot # mat 21:31  

Rachel # ge 35:16-20  

raging # ps 65:7 93:3,4 is 57:20 je 5:22,23  

Rahab. Booz # ru 1:4,16,17,22 2:1-4:22  

raiment # ps 104:2 mar 9:3  

rain # eze 13:11 mal 3:3 ac 14:22 1co 3:13-15 ja 1:12 1pe 1:7  

raised # ac 8:1 mat 10:23 2ti 3:11

raised # ac 3:26 13:33  

raised # ac 2:32-36 3:26 4:12 5:30,31 is 43:11 45:21 zec 9:9 mat

1:21 # lu

2:10,11 jno 4:42 ro 11:26 tit 1:4 2:10-14 3:3-6 2pe 1:1,11 # 2pe

2:20 3:2,18

1jno 4:14 jude 25  

raised # ac 2:24-32,3:15 ro 4:24-25,10:9,14:9 ep 1:19-20 he 13:

20 # 1pe 1:21

re 1:5,18,2:8  

raised # lu 24:46 ac 2:24 1co 15:1,4,11-20  

Rama # je 31:15  

Ramah. lamentation # je 4:31 9:17-21 eze 2:10 re 8:13  

ran thither # ac 8:27 ps 119:32 ec 9:10 jno 4:34  

ran # nu 22:1-41 23:1-30 24:1-25 31:16 de 23:4 # jos 24:9-11 mi

6:5 2pe 2:15

re 2:14  

rather # mat 16:26 lu 9:24,25  

rather # lu 12:33 14:12-14 16:9 18:22 19:8 de 15:8-10 job 13:16-

20 ps 41:1 #

ps 112:9 pr 14:31 19:17 ec 11:1,2 is 58:7-11 da 4:27 mat 5:42 6:

1-4 # mat

25:34-40 26:11 ac 9:36-39 10:31,32 11:29 24:17 2co 8:7-9,12 #

2co 9:6-15 ep

4:28 he 6:10 13:16 ja 1:27 2:14-16 1jno 3:16,17  

rather # ex 18:11 es 9:1 ps 76:10 ac 8:4 11:19-21 ro 8:28,37 2ti


ravening # ps 22:13 eze 22:25,27 zep 3:3 mat 7:15  

ravens The raven is a species of the corvus, or crow tribe, of

the order

Picae, known by its large size, its plumage being of a bluish

black, and tail

roundish at the end. It probably selected by our Lord as being

unclean. # 1ki

17:1-6 job 38:41 ps 145:15,16 147:9 mar 6:26  

Reach hither thy finger. # jno 20:25 ps 78:38 103:13,14 ro 5:20

1ti 1:14-16

1jno 1:1,2  

Reach hither thy hand. # 1jno 1:1  

reached # ge 18:20,21 2ch 28:9 ezr 9:6 je 51:9 jon 1:2  

reaching # phi 2:12 ro 15:23-29 1co 9:24-27 he 12:1,2

reading # ac 13:27 15:21 lu 4:16-18  

ready # de 15:7-11 ps 112:9 pr 11:24,25 ec 11:1,2,6 is 32:8 58:7

lu 6:35 #

14:12-14 ac 2:44,45 4:34-37 11:29 ro 12:8,13 1co 16:2 2co 8:1,2,

9,12 # 9:6-15

phi 4:18,19 he 13:16 1jno 3:17  

ready # is 51:6 mat 24:35 1co 13:8 2co 5:17  

ready # 13 1ti 6:14,15 ti 2:13 1jno 3:2  

reap # pr 22:8 je 12:13 ho 10:13 2pe 2:12,19 re 22:11  

reaper # mat 25:31 da 7:10 2th 1:7-10 jude 14  

reasoned # lu 20:5 mat 16:7 21:25  

reasoned # ac 24:25 28:23 1sa 12:7 is 1:18 he 7:1-10:39  

reasoning # mar 8:17 mat 16:7,8 lu 5:21:22 2co 10:5  

rebuke # le 19:17 ps 141:5 pr 9:8 17:10 27:5 ga 2:11-14 ja 5:19  

rebuke # is 26:11 mat 23:13 jno 11:47,48 12:10,19 ac 4:1,2,16-18

ja 4:5  

rebuke # 1ti 5:14,20 tit 2:10,15 re 3:9  

Rebuke # 1ti 5:19,20 le 19:32 de 33:9 ga 2:11-14  

rebuke # le 19:17 ga 2:11-14 2ti 4:2 tit 1:13  

rebuke # 2:15 pr 27:5 2co 13:10 1ti 5:20 2ti 4:2  

rebuked # mat 8:27 job 38:8-11 ps 65:7 89:9 93:3,4 104:6-9 107:

28-30 #

114:3-7 pr 8:28,29 is 50:2-4 63:12 na 1:4 hab 3:8 mar 4:39,41 #

6:48-51 lu

8:24,25 re 10:2

rebuked # lu 4:35 8:24

rebuked # 1sa 24:4-7 26:8-11 2sa 19:22 job 31:29-31 pr 9:8 mat

16:23 re 3:19

rebuked # mat 12:22 mar 1:34 5:8 9:25-27 lu 4:35,36,41 8:29 9:42

# ac 16:18


rebuked # mat 15:23 19:13  

rebuked # mar 1:34 3:11,12 9:25 ps 50:16 lu 4:35,41 ac 16:17  

rebuked # mar 9:25 na 1:4 lu 4:39  

rebuked # lu 18:15 8:49 11:52 19:39  

rebuked # le 19:17 ep 5:11  

receive # ps 25:9 is 29:19 61:1 zep 2:3 mat 5:5 ac 10:33 1th 1:5


receive # mat 10:40-42 25:40,45 mar 9:41 lu 9:48 17:1,2  

receive one # mat 10:40-42 18:3-5,10 25:40 lu 9:48  

receive me # lu 10:16 jno 5:23 10:30 12:44,45 14:21-23 1th 4:8  

receive # ps 106:12-14 is 58:2 eze 33:32 mat 13:20,21 mar 4:16,

17 6:20 # jno

5:35 ga 3:1,4 4:15-20  

Receive # ps 33:9 107:20 mat 8:3 15:28  

receive # jno 14:16 15:26 16:7 ac 2:4,38 4:8 8:15 10:47 19:2 ga


receive # 5 mat 23:14 mar 12:40 lu 20:47 ja 3:1  

receive # 15:7 mat 10:40-42;18:5 jno 13:20 phi 2:29 2jo 10 3jo 8-


receive # 14:1-3 mat 10:40 mar 9:37 lu 9:48  

receive # 2co 7:3 1ki 8:32,39 job 34:11 ps 62:12 is 3:10,11 mat

16:27 # ro

2:5-10 1co 4:5 ga 6:7,8 ep 6:8 col 3:24,25 re 2:23 20:12,13 # re


Receive # 2co 11:16 mat 10:14,40 lu 10:8 phi 2:29 col 4:10 phile

12,17 # 2jno

10 3jno 8-10  

receive # 1co 12:4-11 ga 3:2 ep 4:4,5  

receive me (or suffer me) # 2co 11:1,19  

Receive # mat 10:40,41 lu 9:5 jno 13:20 ro 16:2 1co 16:10 2co 7:

2 col 4:10 #

3jno 10  

receive # 2co 5:10 he 2:2  

receive # ro 16:2 2jno 8:9  

receive # jno 18:29 ac 24:2-13 25:16 tit 1:6  

receive # phile 10,12 mat 10:40 12:48-50 18:5 25:40  

receive. or, take unto himself # he 5:4,5  

received # mat 13:5,6  

received # lu 8:2,3 ac 16:15 2jno 10  

received # mat 10:40 18:5 col 2:6  

received # jno 3:33 pr 1:3 2:1 4:10 8:10 1co 11:23 15:1 1th 2:13


received # ac 2:41 17:11 mat 13:23 jno 12:48 1th 2:13 2th 2:10  

received # ac 18:27 21:17 mat 10:40 ro 15:7 col 4:10 2jno 10

3jno 8-10  

Received # 3:5,14 ac 2:38,8:15,10:44-47,11:15-18,15:8,19:2-6 1co

12:7-13 #

2co 11:4 ep 1:13,14 he 2:4,6:4 1pe 1:12  

received # mat 10:40 jno 1:12,13 13:20 1co 1:30 he 3:14 1jo 5:11,

12,20 # 2jo

1:8,9 jude 1:3  

received # 2:13,14,3:2-4 ho 2:14 mar 10:29-30 ac 17:5 2co 8:1,2

2th 1:4  

received # mar 16:19 lu 24:51 jno 6:62 13:3 16:28 17:5 ac 1:1-9

ep 4:8-10 #

he 1:3 8:1 12:2 1pe 3:22  

received # he 7:4 ge 14:19,20  

received # he 7:6  

received # 4:3 je 9:14;16:19;44:17 eze 20:18 am 2:4 zec 1:4-6 #

mat 15:2,3 ac

7:51,52;19:34,35 ga 1:4  

receiveth # mar 9:37 jno 13:20 ga 4:14  

receiveth (See on verse 8) # 3jno 1:8 mat 10:40-42 mar 9:37 lu 9:


receiving # ac 18:5 2ti 4:10,11,20,21 tit 3:12  

recieveth # mat 13:11 16:23 jno 3:3-6 8:43 10:26,27 12:37 ro 8:5-


reckon #8:18  

reckoneth # mat 18:23,24 lu 16:1,2,19 ro 14:7-12 1co 3:12-15 2co

5:10 ja 3:1

recommended # ac 14:23 13:1-3 15:40 20:32 2co 1:12 3jno 6-8  

recompense # 19 pr 20:22 mat 5:39 1th 5:15 1pe 3:9  

recompense # he 10:35 11:6,26  

reconcile # ro 5:10 2co 5:18-21 col 1:21-22  

reconcile # 2co 5:18 he 2:17  

reconciling # ro 3:24-26 11:15 1jno 2:1,2 4:10  

reconciling #5:10; da 9:24; 2co 5:18-20; ep 1:10; col 1:20,21;  

recover. Gr. awake # lu 15:17 1co 15:34 ep 5:14  

redeem # 4:21,3:13 mat 20:28 lu 1:68 ac 20:28 ep 1:7,5:2 col 1:

13-20 # tit

2:14 he 1:3,9:12,15 1pe 1:18-20,3:18 re 5:9,14:3  

redeemed - see on - # 3:10 # 4:5 is 55:5-7,10-12 da 9:24,26 zec

13:7 mat

26:28 # ro 3:24-26,4:25,8:3,4 2co 5:21 ep 5:2 tit 2:14 # he

7:26,27,9:12,15,26,28,10:4-10 1pe 1:18-21,2:24,3:18 # 1jno 2:1,2,

4:10 re


redeemed # re 5:9  

redeemed (Gr. bought) # ps 74:2 ac 20:28 1co 6:20 ep 1:14 1pe 2:


Redeeming # ec 9:10 ro 13:11 ga 6:10 col 4:5  

redeeming # ep 5:16  

redemption # ro 8:19,23 ep 1:14 4:30  

redemption # 1co 15:54-57 ho 13:14 ro 3:24 8:23 ga 1:4 3:13 ep 1:

7 4:30 # col

1:14 tit 2:14 he 9:12 1pe 1:18,19 re 5:9 14:4  

redemption #lu 21:28 ep 1:14; 4:30  

redemption # ep 4:30 le 25:24 ps 74:2 78:54 je 32:7,8 lu 21:28

ac 20:28 # ro

8:23 1pe 2:9  

Refrain # ac 5:35 jno 11:48  

refrain # ja 1:26;3:1-10  

refresh # phile 7:12 phi 1:8 2:1 1jno 3:17  

refreshed # 1co 16:18 phile 7:20  

refuse # 1ti 1:4 6:20 2ti 2:16,23 4:4 tit 1:14 3:9  

refuse # pr 1:24 8:33 13:18 15:32 je 11:10 eze 5:6 zec 7:11 mat

17:5 # ac


regarded # 1sa 1:11 2:8 2sa 7:8 2sa 7:8,18,19 ps 102:17 113:7,8

136:23 # ps

138:6 is 66:2 1co 1:26-28 ja 2:5,6  

regarded # pr 29:7 is 33:8  

regarded # ju 10:13,14 la 4:16 am 5:22 mal 2:13  

regardeth or, observeth # ga 4:10  

regardeth it # ex 12:14,42;16:25 is 58:5 zec 7:5,6  

region # ac 18:23 1co 16:1 ga 1:2 3:1 2ti 4:10 1pe 1:1  

regions # 2co 1:1 9:2 ac 18:12,27 ro 16:5 1co 16:15 1th 1:7,8  

Rehoboam. Abia # 1ki 14:31  

reject # ro 16:17 1co 5:4-13 ga 5:12 2th 3:6,14 2ti 3:5 2jno 10  

reject, or, frustrate # mar 7:13 ps 119:126 ro 3:31 ga 2:21  

rejected # mar 12:10 1sa 8:7 10:19 ps 118:22 is 53:3 mat 21:42

lu 17:25 # jno

12:48 ac 3:13-15 7:35,51,52  

rejected # 1sa 8:7 10:19 is 53:3 mat 21:42 mar 12:10 jno 1:11 12:


rejected. or, frustrated # lu 13:34 je 8:8 ro 10:21 2co 6:1 ga 2:


rejecteth # de 18:19 1sa 8:7 10:19 is 53:3 mat 21:42 mar 8:31 12:

10 # lu 7:30

9:22,26 10:16 17:25 20:17 ac 3:23 he 2:3 10:29-31 # 12:25  

rejoice #5:5; 8:24; 12:12; 15:13 job 19:25-27 ps 16:9-11; 17:15

#pr 14:32 2th

2:16 he 3:6; 6:18 1pe 1:3-9 1jno 3:1-3

rejoice # lu 6:23 ac 5:41 16:25 ro 5:3 2co 4:17 phi 2:17 col 1:

24 ja 1:2 #

1pe 4:13  

Rejoice # ac 5:41 ro 5:3 2co 12:10 col 1:24 ja 1:2  

Rejoice # lu 15:6,7  

rejoice # is 66:10-14 lu 1:58;15:5-10 ac 11:23 1co 12:26 2co 2:3



rejoice # is 54:1-5  

rejoice # phi 3:3 4:4 de 12:18 16:11 1sa 2:1 1ch 15:28 16:10,31-

33 29:22 #

2ch 30:26,27 ne 8:10 job 22:26 ps 5:11 32:11 33:1 37:4 42:4 97:1

# 100:1,2

149:2 is 12:2,3 41:16 61:10 65:14 66:11,12 joel 2:23 # hab 3:17,

18 zep

3:14,17 zec 10:7 mat 5:12 lu 1:47 ro 5:2,3,11 # ja 1:2 1pe 1:6-8


rejoice # phi 3:7-9 ps 105:3 is 45:25 je 9:23,24 1co 1:29-31 ga


Rejoice # phi 3:1 ro 12:12  

rejoice # mat 5:11,12 ac 5:41 ro 5:3 2co 7:4 ep 3:1,13 phi 2:17,

18 # ja 1:2

rejoice # 2co 6:10 phi 4:4 mat 5:12 lu 10:20 ro 12:12  

rejoice # 1:6 mat 5:12 lu 6:22,23 ac 5:41;16:25 ro 5:3 2co 4:17;

12:9,10 # ja


rejoice # ju 16:23,24 ps 13:4 35:19,24-26 89:42 pr 24:17 je 50:

11 ob 12 # mi

7:8 jno 16:20  

rejoice # re 18:20 19:1-7 ps 96:11-13 148:1-4 is 49:13 55:12,13

lu 2:14 # lu


Rejoice # re 19:1-3 ju 5:31 ps 48:11 58:10 96:11-13 107:42 109:

28 pr 11:10 #

is 44:23 49:13 je 51:47,48  

rejoice. or, glory # je 9:23,24 ro 5:2,3 phi 3:3  

rejoiced # ac 16:27-29 2:46 8:39 is 12:1-3 55:12 57:17,18 58:7-

11 61:10 # lu

15:22-25,32 ro 5:2,11 15:13 ga 5:22 phi 4:4 1pe 1:6-8

rejoiced # ge 22:18 lu 2:28-30 10:24 ga 3:7-9 he 11:13,39 1pe 1:


rejoiced # is 2:8,9 44:9-20 ho 9:1,10 hab 2:18-20  

rejoiced # phi 4:10 1th 2:19,20 3:6-10 3jno 1:3,4  

rejoiceth not # 1sa 23:19-21 2sa 4:10-12 ps 10:3 119:136 pr 14:9

je 9:1 #

13:17 20:10 ho 4:8 7:3 mi 7:8 lu 19:41,42 22:5 ro 1:32 # phi 3:


rejoiceth # ex 18:9 jos 22:22-33 ro 12:9 2co 7:9-16 phi 1:4,18 2:

17,18 # 1th

3:6-10 2jno 1:4 3jno 1:3  

rejoicing # lu 15:23,24,32 is 53:10,11 62:5 je 32:41,42 eze 18:

23 33:11 # mi

7:18 zep 3:17 jno 15:11 he 12:2  

rejoicing # ac 16:23-25 is 61:10 65:14 66:5 mat 5:10-12 lu 6:22

ro 5:3 # 2co

12:10 phi 1:29 he 10:34 ja 1:2 1pe 4:13-16  

rejoicing # 5:2,3;15:13 ps 16:9-11;71:20-23;73:24-26 pr 10:28;14:

32 la

3:24-26 # hab 3:17,18 mat 5:12 lu 10:20 1co 13:13 phi 3:1;4:4

col 1:27 # 1th

5:8,16 2th 2:16,17 ti 2:13;3:7 he 3:6;6:17-19 1pe 1:3-8;4:13 #

1jo 3:1-3  

rejoicing # pr 14:14 1co 4:3,4 2co 1:12 1jno 3:19-22  

rejoicing # ro 5:2 12:12 15:13 1th 5:16 2th 2:16 1pe 1:3-6,8  

rejoicing. or, glorying # 20 ro 15:16-19  

released # mar 15:15 lu 23:25  

religious # ac 1:10 6:5

remaineth # he 4:1,3 3:11 is 11:10 57:2 60:19,20 re 7:14-17 21:4


remember #mat 16:9 mar 8:18 lu 24:6,7 ac 20:31  

remember # lu 16:23 la 1:7 da 5:22,23,30 mar 9:46  

remember # luke 24:44-46 9:22 18:31-33 mat 12:40 16:21 17:22,23

20:18,19 #

27:63 28:6 mar 8:31 9:9,10,31,32 10:33,34  

remember # ep 5:8 de 5:15 8:2 9:7 15:15 16:12 is 51:1,2 eze 16:

61-63 20:43 #

36:31 1co 6:11 12:2 ga 4:8,9  

remember # 2ti 1:8 he 13:3  

Remember # he 12:2,3  

remember # mal 4:4 ac 20:35 ep 2:20 4:11 2pe 3:2 1jno 4:6  

Remember # re 3:3,19 eze 16:61-63 20:43 36:31 2pe 1:12,13  

Remember # re 2:5 eze 16:61-63 20:43 36:31 he 2:1 2pe 1:13 3:1  

remembered # mat 26:34 lu 22:61,62 jno 13:38  

remembered # ac 20:35 lu 24:8 jno 14:26 16:4 2pe 3:1  

rememberest # ge 41:9 42:21,22 50:15-17 le 6:2-6 1ki 2:44 la 3:

20 eze 16:63 #

lu 19:8  

remembering # 3:6 2ti 1:3-5  

remissions or passing over #3:23,24; 4:1-8 ac 13:38,39; 17:30

1ti 1:15 he

9:15-22,25,26; #he 10:4;11:7,14,17,39,40 re 5:9; 13:8; 20:15  

remnant # mat 5:10-12 10:12-18,22-25 21:35-39 23:34-37 jno 15:19,

20 # 16:2,3

ac 4:1-3 5:40,41 7:51-57 8:1 1th 2:14,15  

remnant # re 19:11-15 re 1:16  

render # mat 17:25-27 pr 24:21 lu 23:2 ro 13:7  

render # pr 24:21 mat 17:25-27 ro 13:7 1pe 2:17  

Render # pr 24:21 mat 17:27 22:21 mar 12:17 ro 13:6,7 1pe 2:13-


rendering # 2:20-23 pr 17:13;20:22 mat 5:39,44 lu 6:27-29 ro 12:

14,17,19-21 #

1co 4:12,13 ep 4:32 1th 5:15  

renewed # ps 51:10 ro 12:2 ep 4:23 he 6:6  

renewing # ps 51:10 ro 12:2 ep 4:23 col 3:10 he 6:6  

renounced # 1co 4:5  

repent # re 2:16,21,22 3:3,19 9:20,21 16:9 ac 17:30,31

repent # mat 4:17 11:20 12:41 21:29-32 1ki 8:47 job 42:6 eze 18:

30-32 # 33:11

mar 1:4,15 6:12 lu 13:3,5 15:7,10 16:30 24:47 ac 2:38 # 3:19 11:

18 17:30

20:21 26:20 2co 7:10 2ti 2:25 he 6:1 2pe 3:9 # re 2:5,21  

repent # mat 3:2 9:13 10:7 mar 1:15 lu 5:32 9:2 10:11-14 15:7,10

24:47 # ac

2:38 3:19 11:18 17:30 20:21 26:20 2ti 2:25,26 he 6:1  

repent # lu 13:3,5 re 16:9-11  

Repent # ac 3:19 17:30 20:21 26:20 mat 3:2,8,9 4:17 21:28-32 lu

15:1-32 # lu


Repent # ac 2:38 11:18 2ti 2:25  

Repent # ac 2:38 3:19 17:30 ro 2:4 2ti 2:25,26 re 2:21  

repent # ac 2:38 3:19 11:18 17:30 20:21 je 31:19,20 eze 18:30-32

# mat 3:2

4:17 9:13 21:30-32 mar 6:12 lu 13:3,5 15:7,10 24:46,47 # ro 2:4

2co 7:10 2ti

2:25,26 re 2:5,21 3:3 16:11  

repent # re 2:5,21,22 3:19 16:9 ac 17:30  

repent # re 3:19 2:5,21,22  

repent # re 2:5,21,22  

repentance # ac 2:38 3:19 11:18 17:30 26:20 eze 18:30-32 mat 3:2

4:17 #

21:31,32 mar 1:15 6:12 lu 13:3,5 15:7,10 24:47 ro 2:4 2co 7:10 #

2ti 2:25,26

repentance # 2co 12:21 2sa 12:13 1ki 8:47-50 job 33:27,28 je 31:

9 eze 7:16 #

eze 18:27-30 jon 3:8,10 mat 21:28-32 26:75 lu 15:10 18:18 ac 3:

19 # ac 11:18

2ti 2:25,26  

repentance # 2ti 3:7 mat 21:32 mar 1:3,4,15 ac 2:38 20:21 tit 1:


repentance # is 55:6,7 eze 18:30-32 zec 12:10 mat 3:2 4:17 21:29,

32 mar 6:12

# ac 2:38 3:19 11:18 17:30 20:21 26:20 2co 7:10 2ti 2:25,26  

repented not # re 16:9 2ti 3:13

repented # job 42:6 jno 3:5-10  

repented # ps 81:11,12 zec 7:11,12 jno 5:37-40 2ti 2:25 he 3:12

6:6-8 # re


repented # job 20:5,15-29 2co 7:10  

repented # job 42:6 is 61:3 da 9:3 jno 3:5,6  

repetitions # mat 26:39,42,44 1ki 8:26-54 da 9:18,19  

repliest or answerest again #job 16:3; tit 2:9;  

reported # 1co 1:11 ge 37:2 1sa 2:24  

reported # 1ti 3:7 ac 6:3 10:22 22:12 3jno 12  

reproach # he 10:33 13:13 ps 69:7,20 89:50,51 is 51:7 ac 5:41

2co 12:10 # 2co

12:10 1pe 1:11 4:14  

reproached # 4,5 ps 49:9;89:51 is 51:7 mat 5:11 lu 6:22 # jo

7:47-52;8:48;9:28,34 2co 12:10  

reprobate (or void of judgment) # 2:11-14 1:9,3:8 1ti 1:10,6:3

2ti 1:13  

reprobate. or, of no judgment # 2co 13:5,6  

reprobates # 2co 13:6,7 je 6:30 ro 1:28 2ti 3:8 tit 1:16 1co 9:

27 he 6:8  

reprove or, convince # jno 8:9,46 1co 14:24 jude 1:15  

reprove # col 1:28,29 1th 2:11,12 5:14 1th 5:20 tit 1:13 2:15 he

13:22 # re


reproved. or, discovered # ep 5:12,13  

reproved. or, discovered # la 2:14 ho 2:10 7:1  

request #15:22-23,30-32 phi 4:6 1th 2:18; 3:10,11 phile 1:22 he


reserved # ps 31:19 col 1:5;3:3,4 2ti 4:8  

residue # ge 22:18 49:10 ps 22:26,27 67:1-3 72:17-19 is 2:2,3 11:

10 # is

19:23-25 24:15,16 49:6,7 66:18-21 je 16:19 ho 2:23 joel 2:32 #

mi 4:1,2 5:7

zec 2:11 8:20-23 mal 1:11  

resist # ac 6:10 ne 9:30 is 63:10 ep 4:30  

resist # 2ti 4:15 1ki 22:22-24 je 28:1 ac 13:8-11 15:24 ga 1:7-9

2:4,5 # ep

4:14 2th 2:9-11 tit 1:10 2pe 2:1-3 1jno 2:18 4:1 re 2:6,14,15 #

re 2:20  

resist # mat 4:3-11 lu 4:2-13 ep 4:27,6:11,12 1pe 5:8,9 re 12:9-


resist # lu 4:3-12 ep 4:27;6:11-13 ja 4:7  

rest # re 6:11 7:14-17 job 3:17-19 is 35:10 57:2 lu 16:25 2th 1:

6,7 # he


rest # re 20:8,9 19:20,21  

rested # ex 20:8-10 31:14 35:2,3 is 58:13,14 je 17:24,25  

restest #2:23 9:4,32 je 7:4-10 zep 3:11 lu 10:28 jno 5:45; 7:19;

#jno 9:28,29

restore # mal 4:6 lu 1:16,17 3:3-14 ac 3:21

restore # ge 49:10 is 1:26 9:6,7 je 23:5,6 33:15-17,26 eze 37:24-

27 da 7:27 #

ho 3:4 joel 3:16-21 am 9:11 ob 17-21 mi 5:2 zep 3:15-17 zec 9:9

# mat 20:21

lu 22:29  

restore # 2sa 12:1 job 4:3,4 is 35:3,4 eze 34:16 mat 9:13,18:12-

15 # lu

15:4-7,22-32 he 12:13 ja 5:19,20 1jno 5:16 jude 1:22,23  

restoreth # mar 1:2-8 is 40:3-5 mal 4:6 mat 3:1 11:2-18 lu 1:16,

17,76 # 3:2-6

jno 1:6-36 3:27  

resurrection # he 11:35 is 26:19 eze 37:1-14 da 12:2 mat 22:23-

32 lu 14:14 #

jno 5:29 11:24,25 ac 4:2 17:18,31,32 23:6 24:15,21 26:8 ro 6:5 #

1co 15:13-57

phi 3:21 1th 4:14-18 2ti 2:18  

resurrection # lu 20:35,36 da 12:2,3 jno 5:29 ac 24:15  

retain a reprobate mind # je 6:30 2co 13:5-7 2ti 3:8 tit 1:16  

Return # 1ti 5:8  

return # mat 22:1 25:1  

returned # mat 4:12 mar 1:14 jno 4:43 ac 10:37  

returned # 2co 11:32,33  

reveal # mat 16:17 1co 2:9-13 2co 4:6 ep 1:17,18,3:5-10  

revealed #3:8  

revealed # ps 8:2 25:14 is 29:18,19 35:8 mat 13:11-16 16:17 21:

16 mar 10:15 #

1co 1:27-29 2:6,7 1pe 2:1,2  

revealed # mat 16:17 2co 3:14-18 4:3-6 ga 1:16 ep 1:17-20  

revealed # 1co 14:6,26  

revelation #2:2,3 1:18 ec 12:14; job 34:11 ps 62:12 pr 24:2 # is

3:10,11 je

17:10;32:19 eze 18:30 mat 16:27; 25:34 #1co 3:8;4:5 2co 5:10 ga

6:7,8 re

2:23;20:12; 22:12  

revelation # 1co 14:26-30 mat 11:29 16:17 2co 12:1,7 ep 1:17 phi


revelation # ep 3:5 da 2:28-30 10:1 mat 11:25 16:7 1co 2:10 2co


Revelation # Da 2:28, 29 AM 3:7, RO 16:25, GA 1:12, EP 3:3,  

Revelation # Da 2:28, 29 AM 3:7, RO 16:25, GA 1:12, EP 3:3,  

revellings # 1pe 4:3  

revellings # ga 5:21  

revenge # ps 35:13 mat 5:29,30 mar 9:43-48 re 3:19  

revenger # 12:19 nu 35:18-27 jos 20:5,9 eze 25:14  

reverence # ep 5:22 1ki 1:31 es 1:20 he 12:9 1pe 3:2-6  

reviled # ps 22:6,7,17 31:11-13 35:15-21 69:7-12,20 109:2,25 la

1:12 2:15-17

# mar 15:29,30 lu 23:35-39 1pe 2:22-24  

reward # mat 10:42 25:34-40 1sa 2:30 lu 8:17 14:14 1co 4:5 jude


reward # 1sa 24:12 2sa 3:39 ps 28:4 109:5-20 je 15:15 18:19-23

2th 1:6 # 1jno

5:16 re 6:10 18:6,20  

reward # is 3:11 ro 2:8,9 phi 3:19 2ti 4:14 he 2:2,3 jude 1:12

re 18:6  

Reward # re 13:10 16:5,6 ex 21:23-25 ps 137:8 je 50:15,29 51:24,

49 # 2ti 4:14

rich #2:4; 9:23; 2co 8:9; ep 1:7; 2:4,7; 3:8,16; phi 4:19; col 1:

27; #col


rich # lu 16:11 2co 6:10 1ti 6:18,19 ja 2:5 re 2:9  

rich # lu 12:16-21 18:24,25 ja 5:1-5  

rich # ge 13:2 job 1:1-3 mat 19:23 27:57 lu 19:2,9,10  

rich # 1ti 5:10 lu 12:21 ac 9:36 tit 2:14 3:8 ja 2:5  

rich # pr 8:17-21 lu 12:21 1co 3:21-23 2co 4:15,6:10 ep 1:18,3:8

# 1ti 6:18

he 11:26 re 2:9,3:18,21:7  

rich # job 34:19 ps 49:2  

rich # lu 12:20 job 21:13,30-32 ps 49:6-12,16-19 73:18-20 pr 14:

32 # mar 8:36

ja 1:11 1pe 2:24  

riches #9:23; 10:12; 11:33 ps 86:5; 104:24 ep 1:7,18; 2:4; 3:8,

16 # phi 4:19

col 1:27; 2:2 1ti 6:17 tit 3:4-6  

riches #2:4; 9:23; ep 1:7; 2:7; 3:8,10,16; col 1:27; 2:2,3;  

riches # 2co 6:10 9:11,13 de 15:4 pr 11:25 is 32:5-8  

riches # ep 1:7,11 3:8,16  

riches # col 2:3 ro 9:23 11:33 ep 1:7,17,18 3:8-10,16 phi 4:19  

richly # 1ti 6:17 tit 3:6  

richly # ec 5:18,19 col 3:16 tit 3:6  

right # ps 110:1 ac 7:55,56 he 1:3 12:2  

right # ac 18:25,26 ge 18:19 2ch 17:6 ho 14:9 jno 1:23  

righteous #job 8:3 ps 9:7,8;33:5; 50:6;72:2;99:4;111:7 je 9:24

da 4:37 #ro

2:5 re 15:4;16:7;19:2  

righteous # lu 16:15 ge 6:9 7:1 17:1 job 1:1,8 9:2 ro 3:9-25 phi

3:6-9 # tit


righteous # jno 17:11 is 45:21 ro 3:26  

righteous # mat 13:43 ps 16:10,11 jno 3:15,16,36 10:27,28 ro 2:7

5:21 6:23 #

1jno 2:25 5:11,12 jude 21  

righteous # 2ti 4:1 ge 18:25 ps 7:11 ro 2:5 2th 1:5,6 re 19:11  

righteous # 1jno 2:29 3:5 zec 9:9 2co 5:21 he 7:26 1pe 2:22 3:18


righteousness #1:17; 5:19,21; 10:3,4 ge 15:6 is 45:24,25; 46:13;

51:8; 54:17;

#is 61:10 je 23:5,6; 33:16 da 9:24 ac 15:11 1co 1:30 2co 5:21

#ga 5:5 phi 3:9

he 11:4 2pe 1:1  

righteousness #4:13; 3:22; 9:30; 10:6 ga 5:5 phi 3:9 he 11:7 2pe


righteousness #3:22,25; 4:13; 9:31; phi 3:9; he 11:7;  

righteousness # is 42:21 45:24,25 je 23:5,6 da 9:24 ac 2:32 ro 1:

17 3:21-26 #

5:17-21 8:33,34 10:3,4 1co 1:30 15:14-20 2co 5:21 ga 5:5 # phi 3:

7-9 1ti 3:16

he 10:5-13  

righteousness # ac 24:15,26 2sa 23:3 job 29:14 ps 11:7 45:7 58:1,

2 72:2 #

82:1-4 pr 16:12 ec 3:16 is 1:21 16:5 61:8 je 22:3,15-17 # eze 45:

9 da 4:27 ho

10:4,12 am 5:24 6:12 jno 16:8 1jno 3:7,10  

righteousness # ps 71:15,16 is 45:24,25 54:17 je 23:5,6 33:16 da

9:24 ro 1:17

# 3:21-24 4:6,25 5:19,21 2co 5:21 phi 3:9 2pe 1:1  

righteousness - see on - ver 16 # 2:16  

righteousness # ro 3:21,22,9:31,10:3-6 phi 3:6-9 he 11:7  

righteousness # ps 45:6,7 ro 8:29 tit 2:14 he 1:8 12:14 1jno 3:3


righteousness # phi 1:11 1ti 6:11 he 1:8 11:33 1pe 2:24 1jno 2:

29 3:9,10  

righteousness # 1ti 4:12 ga 5:22,23 phi 4:8,9 tit 2:11,12 2pe 1:


righteousness # ro 1:17 3:22 4:11,13 9:30 10:6 ga 5:5 phi 3:9

2pe 1:1  

righteousness #3:21,22 2pe 1:1  

righteousness # ps 71:15,16 is 45:24,25 46:13 53:11 je 23:6 33:

16 da 9:24 #

jno 16:8-11 ro 1:17 3:21,22 4:5,6,13 5:21 9:30 10:3,6,10 1co 1:

30 # 2co 5:21

ga 2:16 3:11 2pe 1:1  

rightly # mat 13:52 mar 4:33 lu 12:42 jno 21:15-17 ac 20:27 1co

2:6 3:1,2 #

2co 4:2 1th 5:14 he 5:11-14  

riot # ro 13:13 1th 5:7,8 1pe 4:4  

rioting # pr 23:20 is 22:12,13;28:7,8 am 6:4-6 mat 24:48-51 # lu

16:19;17:27,28;21:34 1co 6:10 ga 5:21 ep 5:18 1pe 2:11;4:3-5  

ripe (or dried) # re 14:18 ge 15:6 zec 5:6-11 mat 23:32 1th 2:16


rise # mat 12:42 is 54:17 je 3:11 eze 16:51,52 ro 2:27 he 11:7  

Rise # is 42:4 jno 9:4 ac 20:24 26:26 phi 1:28 1pe 4:1  

rise # is 54:17 je 3:11 ro 2:27 he 11:7  

rise # ac 9:6-9 22:10  

rise # nu 33:18 eze 40:1-49 41:1-26 42:1-20 43:1-27 44:1-31 45:1-

25 # eze

46:1-24 eze 47:1-23 48:1-35 # 1co 3:16,17 2co 6:16 ep 2:20-22

1pe 2:5,9  

Rise. # Ac 10:10 je 35:2-5 jno 4:31-34  

risen # col 2:12,13,20 ro 6:4,5,,9-11 ga 2:19,20 ep 1:19,20 2:5,


risen # is 49:10 jon 4:7,8 mat 13:6 mar 4:6  

rising # ac 2:36-41 3:15-19 6:7 9:1-20

Roboam # 1ki 11:43 12:1 1ch 3:10 2ch 9:31 13:7  

rock # de 32:15,18,31 1sa 2:2 2sa 22:2,32,47 23:3 ps 95:1 is 26:

4 # 1pe 2:4-6

rolled # mar 16:3,4 mat 27:60 28:2 jno 11:38

Rome, the capital of Italy, and once of the whole world, is

situated on the

banks of the Tiber, about sixteen miles from the sea; 410 miles

S.S.E. of

Vienna, 600 JS.E. of Paris, 730 E. by N. of Madrid, 760 W. of


and 780 S.E. of London. # ac 2:18 18:2 19:21 23:11 ro 1:7-15 15:

22-29 re


root # mat 13:6 7:22,23,26,27 job 19:28 pr 12:3,12 lu 8:13 jno 6:

26 #

6:62-65,70,71 15:5-7 ac 8:21-23 ga 5:6 6:15 ep 3:17 2pe 1:8,9 #

1jno 2:19,20

root # re 22:16 is 11:1,10 je 23:5,6 ro 1:3 15:12  

rooted # col 1:23 ps 1:3 92:13 is 61:3 je 17:8 eze 17:23,24 # ro

11:17,18 ep

2:21,22 3:17 jude 1:12  

royal # 12 1:25 1pe 2:9  

rude # 2co 10:10 1co 1:17,21 2:1-3  

rudiments or elements living # jno 15:19 17:14-16 2co 10:3 ja 4:

4 1jno 5:19

rudiments or the elements # col 2:20 ga 4:3,9 ep 2:2  

Rufus # ro 16:13

Rufus # mar 15:21  

ruin # lu 10:12-16 11:24-26 12:47 he 10:26-29 2pe 2:20  

rule (or line) # ps 19:4 is 28:17 ro 10:18  

rule # 1ti 3:5 mat 24:25 lu 12:42 ro 12:8 1th 5:12,13 he 13:7,17,


rule # re 2:26,27 19:15 ps 2:9,10  

rule # he 13:7,17  

rule. or feed # ps 78:71,72 is 40:11 je 23:4-6 eze 34:23-25 37:


ruler # lu 8:49 13:14 18:18 ac 13:15  

ruler # 1ti 3:15 5:17 he 3:5 13:7,17  

ruler # lu 8:41 ac 13:15 18:8,17  

rulers # lu 13:14 ac 13:15 18:8,17  

rulers # ac 4:8 5:34 6:12 is 1:10 mar 15:1 lu 20:1 22:66 24:20  

rulers # 4 de 25:1 pr 14:35;20:2 ec 10:4-6 je 22:15-18  

rulers # ac 18:8,17 mar 5:22  

ruleth # 13:6 ge 18:19 ps 101:1-5 ac 13:12;20:28 1co 12:28 1th 5:

12-14 # 1ti

3:4,5;5:17 he 13:7,17,24 1pe 5:2,3  

ruleth # 1ti 3:12 ge 18:19 jos 24:15 ps 101:2-8 ac 10:2 tit 1:6  

run # ac 23:27 24:7

run in # ps 19:5 ec 9:11 je 12:5  

run # mat 13:21 1co 9:24 he 12:1  

running # mar 9:25 mat 28:8 jno 20:2-4  
