endured Heb_10_32 /${endured /a great fight of afflictions ; endured Heb_11_27 /${endured /as seeing him who is invisible . endured 2Ti_03_11 /${endured /but out of them all the Lord delivered me . endured Psa_81_15 /^{endured /for ever . endured Heb_06_15 /${endured /he obtained the promise . endured Heb_12_03 /${endured /such contradiction of sinners against himself , lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds . endured Heb_12_02 /${endured /the cross , despising the shame , and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God . endured Rom_09_22 /${endured /with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction : ~~~~~~