* rememberest , 3415 mnaomai , ~~~~~~ rememberest -3415 came, remember, remembered, {rememberest}, remembrance, ~~~~~~ rememberest -2142 bringeth , bringing , burneth , call , calling , male , mention , mentioned , mindful , record , recorder , recount , remember , remembered , {rememberest} , remembereth , remembering , remembrance , think , ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ rememberest ......... rememberest 3415 -mnaomai-> ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ rememberest 088 005 Psa /^{rememberest /no more: and they are cut off from thy hand . rememberest 005 023 Mat /${rememberest /that thy brother hath ought against thee ; ~~~~~~ rememberest 2 - ~~~~~~ rememberest Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou {rememberest} no more: and they are cut off from thy hand. rememberest Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there {rememberest} that thy brother hath ought against thee; ~~~~~~