establisheth  NUM 030 014 But if <00518  +>im > her husband

<00376  +>iysh > altogether hold <02790  +charash > his peace

<02790  +charash > at her from day <03117  +yowm > to day <03117

 +yowm > ;  then he {establisheth} <06965  +quwm > all <03605  

+kol > her vows <05088  +neder > ,  or <00176  +>ow > all <03605

 +kol > her bonds <00632  +>ecar > ,  which <00834  +>aher >  [

are ]  upon her : he confirmeth <06965  +quwm > them ,  because

<03588  +kiy > he held <02790  +charash > his peace <02790  

+charash > at her in the day <03117  +yowm > that he heard

<08085  +shama< >  [ them ]  .

Sheth  NUM 024 017 I shall see <07200  +ra>ah > him ,  but not

now <06258  +<attah > : I shall behold <07789  +shuwr > him ,  

but not nigh <07126  +qarab > : there shall come <01869  +darak

> a Star <03556  +kowkab > out of Jacob <03290  +Ya<aqob > ,  

and a Sceptre <07626  +shebet > shall rise <06965  +quwm > out

of Israel <03478  +Yisra>el > ,  and shall smite <04272  

+machats > the corners <06285  +pe>ah > of Moab <04124  +Mow>ab

> ,  and destroy <06979  +quwr > all <03605  +kol > the children

<01121  +ben > of {Sheth} <08352  +Sheth > .
