soil , EZE , 17:8



  defile 3435 # moluno {mol-oo'-no}; probably from 3189; to soil

(figuratively): -- {defile}.[ql

 defile 4695 # spiloo {spee-lo'-o}; from 4696; to stain or soil

(literally or figuratively): -- {defile}, spot.[ql

 spot 4695 # spiloo {spee-lo'-o}; from 4696; to stain or soil

(literally or figuratively): -- defile, {spot}.[ql



 soil  Interlinear Index Study

soil EZE 017 008 It was planted <08362 +shathal > in a good

<02896 +towb > {soil} <07704 +sadeh > by great <07227 +rab >

waters <04325 +mayim > , that it might bring <06213 +<asah >

forth <06213 +<asah > branches <06057 +<anaph > , and that it

might bear <05375 +nasa> > fruit <06529 +p@riy > , that it might

be a goodly <00155 +>addereth > vine <01612 +gephen > .



 good soil by great waters                <EZE17  -:8 >

- soil , 7704 ,





 soil -7704 country , field , fields , ground , land , lands ,

{soil} , wild ,  



 soil 7704 sadeh -- -- country, field, ground, land, {soil}, X








 soil 7704 ## sadeh {saw-deh'}; or saday {saw-dah'-ee}; from an

unused root meaning to spread out; a field (as flat): -- country,

 field, ground, land, {soil}, X wild.[ql



 soil 017 008 Eze                    /^{soil /by great waters ,

that it might bring forth branches , and that it might bear

fruit , that it might be a goodly vine .





 soil <EZE17 -8> It was planted in a good {soil} by great waters,

 that it might bring forth branches, and that it might bear

fruit, that it might be a goodly vine.

