
 antelope, wild sheep ?



 barn owl ?





 behemoth, hippoportamus, crocodil



 bird of prey

 bird, goose, chicken ?

 bird, ibis or owl ?

 bird, kite

 bird, lammergeier ?

 bird, stork or heron ?

 bird, swallow or dove ?

 birds of prey

 bison ?

 black vulture ?

 bull, ox, steer

 bull, stallion



 carrion vulture


 corba, asp

 cows, cattle


 dart snake, owl ?


 dolphin, porpoise ?



 eagle, vulture


 falcon, black kite

 fallow deer

 fattened cattle

 fawn, deer

 female camel

 female ostriches

 fiery serpent









 gecko ?







 hedgehog, owl ?

 hoopoe bird

 horned snake

 horned viper



 ibex, mountain goat

 ibis bird

 ivory of elephants







 lamb, kid


 leopard, panther

 leviathan, seamonster



 lion cub

 lion, lioness




 lizard, chameleon ?

 lizard, gecko ?




 locust or cockroach ?

 locust swarm

 locust swarm

 locust, caterpillar ?

 maggot, worm





 mule, shemule

 mule, shemule

 ostrich or owl ?

 owl, nighthawk ?


 phoenix bird

 plover or cormorant

 poultry or baboons ?


 ram, hegoat




 rooster ?

 rooster, cock ?


 screech owl

 sea monster, serpent

 seagull, bat ?


 serpent ?




 sheep, small cattle


 small animals, reptiles

 snail ?

 snake, reptile

 snake, viper


 stallion, zebra

 swarm of insects

 thrush ?


 turtledove, young bird

 venomous serpent

 wild beasts, hyena, eagleowl

 wild boar, swine

 wild goat

 wild ox


 wood owl ?

 young bird

 young bull

 young camel

 young camel

 young lion

 young ram

 young ram

 zebra, wild ass, onager ?

