Feb. 28, 1993 5:10 p.m. Council menbers present: Johnathan Titus Don Titus Nash Garcia Ron Snell Church Clerk: Irene Snell Others present were: Betty Titus & Elva Garcia Meeting called to order by Pastor Randy Stephens. He informed the Council they would be making decisions for the church body and the importance of confidentiality, that things coucil members disscuss should not be discussed outside of immediate family members. Pastor let the Coucil know that monthly financial reports would be done by the church clerk. He also stated that depth of growth of the church will depend on the Council. Council does not overide the Pastor and the Pastor will not overide the Council as long as they flow with the Holy Spirit and we will work together in harmony! Pastor let the Council know that he has not received any salary since November 92 -- Irene gave totals of income received for Jan & Feb. of l993, the Pastor has been using his salary to pay for the expenses of the church since Nov. 92. Beginning March 1st church will be responsible for all expenses including salary for the Pastor of $465.00 weekly which he will return $165.00 weekly giving him a $300.00 weekly salary. Pastor stated he would like to be in the ministry full- time by Summer or early Fall. Bro. Garcia stated that some members aren't paying 10% tithes on their wages, Johnathan felt that the church needs some teaching on tithing. Discussion was held on the growth of the church there is a possibility of 80 people per week if everyone came --- 7 new visitors were present in the morning service today (2-28) It will depend on the Church Body if we stay in current building. The church is getting more and more well known. Pastor brought up the need of a Bus to transport the Youth, insurance for an older bus was quoted at $1,300.00 per year -- Bro. Garcia stated we need to build a solid foundation before trying to go in debt for a bus. Church also needs to do more advertising -- the church needs to get the vision of the pastor! Pastor brought up about rasing funds for Youth Camp campers to go to Youth Camp. Pastor discussed with Council how much his work schedule pre- vents him from being with his family and being able to spend time in the ministry of the church body. Johnathan brought up how are we going to bring all the needs to the church people, it was decided a church business meeting will be scheduled toward the end of March. Johnathan wants a spokesperson from the Council to speak to the church about the subject of Giving. Pastor stated that anyone can speak up. It was also suggested to have a Potluck dinner before the Church Business meeting.  ~~~~~~