Sept. 29, 1992 Dear David and Shelia: We were very sorry to hear about your difficulty with the water system at the trailer park. It is not our intention in any way to defraud you of any money, we said we would pay the utility bills on the Park until the first of October, because we had already spent the Rental income for September, and we have done that. We did not at any time say we would be responsible for any repairs of any kind after closing. If we had any idea that there was a problem with the pump and pipe we would have taken care of it before selling it and would have included that cost in the down or the purchase price. We tried very hard to work you a fair and honest deal. Our intention was selling the Park for a 150,000.00 if we sold it on terms, but we knew you couldn't afford the higher payments so we tried to make it work for you. Because these problems with the well did occur so close to after closing we are willing to pay for the labor part of the bill, the pump and pipe system that you put in will benifit you, it will be in the Park for your use. It will also increase your property value. The deposits that we kept were used in repairing the trailers in space #6 and #4 wich were not rentable and you would have had to worry about repairing them and they are now bringing in an income of $465.00 a month. If you need to return a deposit you can use the deposit of the next person that is moving in and this way it doesn't come out of your pocket. If you will remember this is what we decided before the closing and you both agreed that that would work. We would really like to see things work out and not have to go the expense of paying for lawyers. Hiddleston quoted us that the labor part of the bill was $140.00 we are willing to add to that another $60.00 for all the trouble you have gone through and to help cover expenses on your phone bill when calling us. This would give you a total of $200.00. We feel this is fair and we have tried not to do wrong by you. It would be nice if we could remain friends. Sincerely, Ron & Irene Snell  ~~~~~~