WORKERS & TEACHER'S MEETING July 25, 1993 Those present: Bro. & Sis. Don Titus Jonathan & Lillian Titus Troy Dimmitt Randy & Patty Stephens Ron & Irene Snell Brad & Suzi Bill Parsons Reminded about ording Commentaries, Discuss S.S. program about change in teaching Patty would like a sub for her class Randy voluntered. Lask week of month would be good- Patty's class averages 3-7 in attendence. Sis Peterson may be intersteed in teaching 8-up Junior age mostly for skits and music. Suzi has some skits & Lil wants to do one! Brad would like to sub in whatever class he's needed - Lil & Patty would like to be just subs . Bus driver for Teen night was dicuesed and if a CDL is required and what access is there for the bus! 10:00 is class time and teachers need to be there on time and call Lil if you can't be there! Class ends at 5 till 11:00 - knock on door at 10:50 a.m. worship starts at 11:00a.m. sharp No drinks in the Sancturay during church service time. Help was suggested to keep kids more quiet when coming out of class rooms teach children more reverance in church building They need a constant reminders they forget easily, Everyone can help in keeping children quieter. It was sugessted children coming a little later on Wed. and going directly to classes. Monitors were suggested to help keeeping children going down steps more orderly. Jonathan & Lillian will take children one Wed. night a month to sing at local Nursing Homes. Classes need to use the S.S. litatiture that is ordered from Church of God then theachers can work in some of their own lessons. Teen lessons were discussed, Pastor stated "Teens are full of life and they want expression and lessons on sexuality should be genaral and based on God's use of my body, and not discussed in lenghth to embarrass anyone." Jonathan sugggested other litatiture than the Church of God's should go throught he Pastor first. Pastor said Teens need to know what the Bible says on the issue of sex and they need not to learn it from the world's viewpoint, but only genaral exposure from God's point of view. Suzi stated her goals for the Teen night to include a choir, skits and eventually an Outreach for the Youth to witness on the streets. She needs some Adults to help her in starting a choir. Lil thought that maybe Sis. Peterson might be interested in that area. Patty stated there will be new phases of ministry as we grow and Leadership needs to pray to prevent the enemy's attacks, we need to bind together to keep from division, and then there would be no stopping the Youth in there work for the Lord!! Pastor said that we as a Body need to keep a good report in the community. Suzi suggested couples adopting a Young person as a spiritual parent, and disciple them in the Lord. Everyone agreed that would be a great idea. Youth need to be established and directed as we grow. It was suggested that Lil have a meeting once a month to keep in touch with how things are going. Dismissed at 5:57 p.m.  ~~~~~~