10/17/93 4:35 p.m. Council members present: Jonathan Titus, Carl Peterson, Ron Snell, Carol Clason, Jim Perkins, & Marcus Hamilton. (Absent were Don Titus-ill & Nash Garcia-working) Pastor: Randy Stephens Clerk: Irene Snell Bro. Clason opened in prayer, Pastor then invited Bro. Carl Peterson to be on the Council and read the responsibilities and duties os a Council menmber for him. Pastor let other VCouncil members know that he has a high regard for Bro. Peterson and asked Council if there were any objections about Bro. Peterson being on the Council. Everyone voted to set him in as a Council member. Pastor would like to do a special recognition of the Council members in a church service, he wants the body to know who Council members are. Pastor stated that when he calls for some help during prayer time he is talking to the Council and he wants them to assist him, Pastor also informed Council that they have authority in this Body and they can help with problems. Pastor also stated that it is never his intention that anyone would leave the Church, but he stands for one Standard and that is GOD'S STANDARD. Pastor emphasized again that when he is asking for assis- tance in the service during prayer time he is speaking to the Council and not to just everyone. Pastor asked Irene to let the Council know about the changes in the Rent for the current church building and she informed them that as of Nov. 1, 1993 rent will increase from $450.00 a month to $700.00. Pastor said we need to not look on this negatively and we don't have any options because there is nothing in our Rental Agreement Contract that states they can't keep increasing the rent on an ongoing basis. Pastor will talk to BLOC this week as why such an increase. Discussion was opened on how the purchase of the new building was going and Ron shared that we have two options available: 1. $20,000.00 Down and a 7 year contract with a monthly payment of approxamitely $700.00 monthly. 2. That 6 gaurenteed Co-Signers with at least $4,200.00 showing in CD's, IRA's or Savings Accounts. Ron suggested that we look for another building to buy that would be Owner Financed. We have approx. $9,200.00 for a Down payment. Discussion was held about the Hardware store downtown Payette, but it was decided after talking with owners that it wasn't For Sale at this time. Health & Welfare building may be availabe for lease at approx. $2,000.00 a month. Council felt it would be better to buy. Current building is only ours on a 30 day contract and could end any time. Pastor stated, to make it through the winter we need approx. $3,600.00 a month income. It was suggested because of the high electric heat bills that ceiling fans may be helpful. Bills that the Church owes on are PA system, Bus and Pews and Pastor suggested that we pay off all debts if we can't use money to purchase a new building right away. Ron thought it would be a good idea to hold off on paying bills for about 6 weeks to see if we can find a owner financed building. Council was asked to be sensitive to God about where church should be located and we need to just trust him. He provided a home for the pastor and He'll provide a church in his time. Bro. Peterson asked if Church could only be in Payette? Pastor said No we could look elsewhere but he felt God had called them to Payette and God has given them a home in Payette also. Bro. Clason asked what it would take to satisfy the Bank and Pastor explained the options needed because West One Bank feels that the State Office in Yakima are over extended. Bro. Peterson wanted to know if we checked with any other banks, Ron said he had checked around and they required the same. Bro. Peterson suggested if 6 people could put $4,200.00 each then the church could pay htem back. Randy said he'd have to have a Church Body business meeting and ask the people who would be able to do that, otherwise we'll be dictated to by BLOC. Bro. Peterson said Church Body would be owners if they donated cash and let Land Mortgages and Escrow office handle the papers, this is just another option to present to the Church. Pastor asked Council what they felt about the purchase of the Jehovah Witness building. Bro. Clason & Bro. Peterson has felt all along that God has something better for us, but if everyone felt it was something they wanted they would go for it, Bro. Clason said he didn't feel good in his Spirit about it one of the reasons being the lack of Sunday School rooms. It was stated that "When the Lord is in it things will go smooth." Pastor let the Council know if they disagree with him on things they should not be afraid to say so. Johnathan reminded Council of the Prophcey that "the place has already been established." He also let everyone know that his dad Don Titus was not in favor of buying the Jehova Witness building. Pastor asked Council if they wanted to TABLE the deal on the purchase of the Jehovah Witness church building - Johnathan motioned it. All Council members agreed to stop the purchase. Bro. Peterson wanted to know if we could rent the Jehovah Witness church and Pastor said he had inquired and they had said No. Pastor stated another option would be to offer BLOC cash in advance for rent if they would go less a month on a lease term, and he will also ask them if their are any other options they would go for. Bro. Hamilton asked if State Office will help us any financally and Pastor said only as a backing support and that they want us to do everything locally. Bro. Peterson stated when we start another deal we need to know in advance what Church Body is willing and can do. Ron asked do we need look in Oregon as another option. Pastor said No, that because they live in Idaho the Church has to be in Idaho. Bro Peterson suggested that the Building Fund money be put in an interst earning account and add any new donations into it. It was decided that next Sunday evening anothe Council business meeting would be held to see how things are going. Dismissed at 5:50p.m.  ~~~~~~