10/24/93 5:00 pm JOHNATHAN,RON;CARL,J.PERKINS,RANDY, And Irene Randy updated council on the descsion to withdraw from purchase of Jehovah building. Ron said that he talked to the Harreit at ERA and thay she said she would check to see about owner finaceing. Curent Building rent will be 700.00 a month and Randy said he will check if some of that could go toword the purches of the building. BLOC will want some land between the property and it could be deducted from the purches price of 200.000.00. Randy told Barb Little we are ready to buy. Randy discussed what kind of monthly increase to meet current expenses and even more when we purches building. Part of land payment could be from R.V. storage already established. Council members were asked how thay felt abuot this building and genral feeling was good and thay feel God will help us get it. Randy said that Barb Little is checking to see if other BLOC members will sell and get back with us. And will fully proceed with purches. Dismissed council meeting 5:34 pm ~~~~~~