HONESTY And honest boy tells the truth--even when it hurts. He knows that telling lies-- even [ small ones ]--is wrong, so he is very carefull to be honest. He also knows that lying is a habitand that one lie leads to another. Before long a liar feels that he's caught in a big spider web.The honest boy saves himself a lot of trouble because he never has to worry about getting caught in this web OBEDIENCE The obedient boy respects people in authority over him, and he does what they tell him to do. When his parents tell him to do something he does it quickly and cheerfully. If his teacher gives an assignment he does it cheerfully and follows instructions. When the obedient boy reads the Bible, he remembers to do what it tells him to do. COURAGE A boy shows courage when he dose what is right--even it is frightening He isn't afraid to say "I'm sorry" when he is wrong He's brave enough to be friendly with everyone--even boys and girls less popular than himself. And the courageous boys say "No" when his friends whant him to do something wrong. ~~~~~~